photogallery | Francesco Di Pasquantonio   


Scene di vita da noccioline.
Edizione limitata a 5 esemplari. E’ possibile acquistare la foto. Clicca qui.
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This entry was posted on mercoledì, novembre 24th, 2010 at %H:%M and is filed under Peanut's life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Affamato”

  1. naga.2005 scrive:

    this is nice…. is it a snake or a tree bark ? very far imagination !!!

  2. admin scrive:

    Hi, thanks for the comment. The subject of the photo is a peanut. The photo below to “Penut’s life” collection: an imaginative world populated by human-peanuts :)

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